Past Issues

Effects of Led Light Screens on School Children Eyes

Cristina Bonnin-Arias, Vanesa Blázquez Sánchez*, Xavier Rodríguez Alonso, Sara Gutiérrez Jorrin, Celia Sánchez Ramos

Grupo de visión y oftalmología de la Facultad de Óptica-Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Grupo de visión y oftalmología de la Facultad de Óptica-Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: August 5, 2023

Publication Date: November 9, 2023

Citation: Bonnin-Arias C, et al. (2023). Effects of Led Light Screens on School Children Eyes. Clin Res. 4(4):20.

Copyright: Bonnin-Arias C, et al. © (2023). 


Background: The increasing use of digital devices involves a potential risk for public health. Screens are generally made with LED lights, with a peak of emission in the area of visible spectrum corresponding to blue light. Given the high amount of blue light energy, several studies suggest a subsequent phototoxic damage to the retina. Blue light radiation may have greater impact on children particularly given that retina is not entirely developed at this age, larger pupillary diameters and frequent shorter viewing distances when compared to adults. Methods: The amount of blue light potentially penetrating the eye of adults and children was assessed. Light amounts reaching the eye were theoretically calculated according to measured pupillary diameters and reading distances. Results: The amount of visible radiation reaching the pupil is theoretically 1.4 times higher when using a smartphone than when using a PC. Light amount reaching the eye depends on reading distance. The shorter reading distance, the higher light amount reaches the eye. Children are likely exposed to a 40% higher light dose than adults because of their body-anatomic features. Conclusions: Exposure to LED screen devices should be particularly considered among children. Long-term effects of blue light exposure should me more carefully investigated.

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